2009年2月24日 星期二

台灣藝術家英文簡傳(4)-作曲家呂泉生 Composer Lu Chuan-Sheng

Composer Lu Chuan-Sheng
Photo courtesy of Sunny Koo

EditiorFelicity Fei-Hsien Chiu

The composer Professor Lu Chuan-Sheng, the “Father of Taiwan 's Children’s Choir”, Lu Chuan-Sheng, who passed away on March 17, 2008 in Los Angeles, U.S. at his age of 92.

A note on Lu Chuan-Sheng

Lu Chuan-Sheng, born into a Christian family in Shengang, Taichung County in 1916, was a great music educator known as the “Father of Taiwan 's Children’s Choir”. Lu’s parents were devoted Christians and they often took him to participate in the church choir, which inspired him to study music later on.

Because of his strong interest in music, Lu went to Japan to study and majored in Piano. His dream to become a concert pianist was shattered when he damage his arm. However, this unfortunate event marked a new beginning in his life. He changed his major to Vocal Music and did a minor in Piano Theory and Composition. The choral singing on his curriculum had a tremendous influence on his later devotion to lyric composition and choral singing education. While studying in Japan, his extra curriculum activities included singing for theatrical plays, auditioning for a place in an Olympic Choir member, and gaining admission to the NHK Broadcast Choir’s Group F. After graduating from Music School, Lu became a professional singer. He played lead roles in the theater and sang part time with the NHK Choir.

Lu returned to Taiwan in 1943 and settled in the Dadaocheng(大稻埕)area of Taipei, where his interest in Taiwan folk songs began to take root. He composed three folk songs, “Paddy Field of June for Chiayi”(六月田水), “Train through the Tunnel” (pronounced as “diu-diu-dang-ah”,丟丟銅仔) for Yilan, and “A Chirping Bird”(一隻鳥仔哮救救)which became the pioneer folk song pieces for choirs singing in Taiwanese.

During the course of his career, Lu composed more than two hundred folk songs. The three songs, “Lullaby”(搖嬰仔歌)composed in 1945, “Don't Keep Fish in the bottom of the cup”(杯底毋通飼金魚)composed in 1947 and released in 1949, and “Open the Window to the Heart”(阮若打開心內的門窗)in 1958, are the most popular. 

The three well-known Lu compositions

In May 1945 during WWII, the allies bombarded Taiwan heavily in their attacks against Japan. Lu sent his wife and 3-month-old child to his hometown, while he remained in Taipei and worked at the Taipei Broadcast Bureau. But his longing for his wife and newborn baby grew deeper day by day. He asked his father-in-law, who was a pastor, to write the lyrics for what would later become the widely acclaimed “Voice for the Formosan Parents – the Lullaby.”

“Don't Keep Fish in the bottom of the cup” was intended to ease the ethnic tensions between local Taiwanese and the so-called mainlanders on the island after the 228 Incident. Lu, who had experienced the conflict, thought that better understanding could be achieved among people if they drink together, bottoms-up style, and open their hearts to each other. He composed both the melody and lyrics of the song and performed it at its premiere in April 1949.

“Don't Keep Fish in the bottom of the cup” was once performed by the renowned Taiwanese baritone Tseng Dau-Hsiong(曾道雄)at a United Nations concert in Tokyo, Japan, in 1988. Tseng chose it as the representative song for Taiwan.

“Open the Window to the Heart” was a composed in collaboration with doctor Wang Chang-Hsiung (王昶雄), who was the same age with Lu and was known as a famous Taiwanese writer. The song was meant to comfort and encourage young men who had moved from rural areas to the cities because of the social structure transformation. It is now a very popular piece in the repertoires of choirs.

Lu composed three hundred and seventy pieces of music throughout his life. He received several honors such as the “Music Composition Award from Chinese Culture and Art Association” in 1990, “National Cultural Award from the government” in 1991, “Special Achievement Honor for the Fourth Annual Golden Songs and Lyrics of Republic of China” in 1992, and “Humanities Achievement Award of Taiwanese-American Foundation” in 2007. 

Lu and his wife moved to Los Angeles in 1991 to be with their children, after he retired at age 75. However, when he was 91 he returned to Taiwan twice in 2007 accompanied by his family. The first time was to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of the Rong-Shing Chorus in July, the second was to receive the “Humanities Achievement Award” from the Taiwanese-American Foundation in November 2007.

A note about Lu Chuan-Sheng and Rong-Shing Chorus(榮星合唱團)

Rong Shing Chorus, one of Taiwan's more prestigious choruses, was founded by Koo Wei-Fu(辜偉甫)in 1957. At the time, Lu Chuan-Sheng was the music director of the group. Koo and Lu both believed that educating children through music is a means of uplifting a country's culture.

They therefore founded the Rong-Shing Children's Chorus, which was the first children's chorus in Taiwan. The Rong-Shing Women's Chorus was later founded in 1962 and Rong-Shing Girls' Chorus in 2005.

Lu had created a rich environment for musical education in Taiwan through his unwavering efforts and his dedication to children’s choirs.

Lu devoted his efforts to the Rong-Shing Children's Chorus for over 35 years, from 1957 to 1991. The Rong-Shing Children's Chorus, under his direction, was selected to represent Taiwan at the second annual Asian Children's Chorus Festival in Tokyo in 1967. The Rong-Shing Children's Chorus earned the high praises for it’s a cappella performance at a concert in 1973.

Over the past 51 years, the Rong-Shing Chorus has contributed tremendously to the field of the music education in Taiwan and also inspired its students to become brilliant professionals and excellent amateurs. Rong-Shing Chorus has a very busy concert schedule that includes touring around Taiwan and abroad to countries such as Japan, the U.S. , Canada and Southeastern Asia. The celestial voices and the innocent smiles of these children have profoundly touched Rong-Shing's worldwide audience.

The above information is edited by Felicity Fei-Hsien CHIU(邱斐顯), and checked by Peggy Carr, English consultant, the Central News Agency.

2009年2月6日 星期五

江蓋世著《我走過的台灣路》第四章風暴 4-5 我是台灣囝仔(下)










4-5  我是台灣囝仔(下)






在群眾大會場合,聽那萬人的歡呼鼓掌,是非常痛快的事,但是,當曲終人散,獨自回到家裡時,想到不知何時,就要跟家人離別,與朋友分開,心中就有股甩不掉的落寞。雖然如此, 六月二十二日 那天,我看到當期的雜誌《新新聞》與《民進週刊》,封面上,都有我們三個人的相片,短時間之內,我成了反對運動的名人,唉,我知道,名聲如泡影,突然而來,也將隨之而去,但此時驟增的名氣,但不可否認的,卻是我繼續戰鬥的一項動力來源。

























我第一個接受偵訊。陳清碧攤在我面前,是好幾本相簿,那是警方搜證小組,在 六月十日 ,我率眾遊行博愛特區,以及 六月十一日 ,我又率眾遊行,長征士林官邸。我看了看相片,他開始問我許多細節的問題,我只好笑著對他說:「不必問我了,請求你將我起訴,謝謝你。」












我們站在那裡,向群眾發表簡單的演講,感謝他們的支持。因為我內心清楚的很,如果沒有民眾強力的支持,國民黨當局一定把我們押入大牢了!那麼, 六月二十三日 的晚上,我睡的地方,就不是家裡溫暖的床,而是牢裡冰冷的木板。






因此,我們就從 六月二十二日 起到 六月三十日 ,連著幾天,發動一群民進黨黨工,在台北市地檢處大門口前,進行聲援莊勝惠的靜坐,這個活動,由板橋尤清服務處的主任蕭貫譽擔任總領隊與發言人。因為莊勝惠本人並不是公職,再加上他所涉的案件,是搶下警方搜證小組的相機,阻擾對方拍照,這樣的案情,使得他所獲得黨內的聲援及社會的聲援,相當有限,我連著幾天,每天都去靜坐,可是愈坐人愈少,最後不得已,只好宣佈結束全部的靜坐活動,接下來,只好靠律師們來為他做法律上的支援而已。



